JTSR Contracting was founded in the mid 1990’s by Jason Smith as an owner driver operation based at Elingamite North in South West Victoria. Being a fourth generation farmers son Jason loved growing crops, tractors & farm machinery from a young age.



His passion has always been fodder production.

Over the years the business has expanded the quantity of machinery & the services provided.

We have always understood the importance of a reliable service, superior quality job & loyalty to our business partners. Many of whom have been with us from the inception.
These are the values that have underpinned our growth & created long term satisfied business partners.


Here at JTSR Contracting our vision is to continue to strive to be the best performing agricultural service provider for our various clients. Achieving this will bring the highest level of service & satisfaction from our valued clients, in turn creating long term business partnerships & making our brand trustworthy & placing it in the hearts & minds of all our customers.